All Conversations

Regional Differences in RTO Governance and Decision-making (Elizabeth Wilson, Irving Center for Energy and Society, Dartmouth University)

Director, Arthur L. Irving Institute for Environment & Society, Professor of Environmental Studies, Dartmouth University Elizabeth Wilson Interviewer: David Spence, Interview date: May 16, 2019 Key Terms: RTO/ISO, pumped storage, energy imbalance...

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Reliability, Decarbonization & Federal-State Conflict Over Electricity Markets (Ari Peskoe, Harvard Law School)

Director, Harvard Electricity Law Initiative & Lecturer, Harvard Law School Ari Peskoe Interviewer: David Spence, Interview date:  May 13, 2019 Keywords:  Capacity Markets, Clean Energy, Decarbonization, Federal Power Act, Federalism, Nuclear Power, Resource...

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‘Public’ Utility: Steering Markets Toward Public Ends (William Boyd, UCLA School of Law and Institute of Environment & Sustainability)

Professor of Law, UCLA School of Law, & Professor, UCLA Institute of Environment & Sustainability William Boyd Interviewer: David Spence, Interview date:  April 18, 2019 Key Terms: Public Utility, Rates, Restructuring, Market-based Pricing “Markets are...

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Net Metering & the Value of Distributed Solar Generation (Joel Eisen, University of Richmond School of Law and Shelley Welton, University of South Carolina School of Law)

Professor of Law, Univ. of Richmond Joel Eisen   Assistant Professor of Law, Univ. of South Carolina Shelley Welton Interviewer:  David Spence, April 4, 2019     “Net metering got adopted because it is a simple policy. I don’t worry a lot about net metering...

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Market Solutions to Reliability Challenges in Electricity Markets (Frank Wolak, Program on Energy & Sustainable Development, Stanford University)

Holbrook Working Professor of Commodity Price Studies Director, Program on Energy & Sustainable Development Stanford University Frank Wolak Interviewers: David Spence, Interview date:  4/4/19 Keywords: Energy Storage, Externalities, Intermittent Resources, Price...

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Maintaining Reliability in a Distributed Energy World (Amy Stein, University of Florida Levin College of Law)

Professor of Law, University of florida Levin college of Law Amy Stein Interviewer: David Spence, Interview date:  March 2019   Keywords: Energy Storage, Demand Response, Transaction Cost Framework, Monopoly Control Utility, Regional Transmission Organization...

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The Politics of Carbon Taxes vs. Regulation (Nathan Richardson, University of South Carolina School of Law)

Associate Professor of Law, University of South Carolina School of Law Nathan Richardson Interviewer: Shelley Welton, Interview date:  March 2019   “I’d take any carbon tax today and then work from there.  My faith in the ability of the Clean Air Act to effect...

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The Best Route to Net-Zero Emissions (Jesse Jenkins, Harvard Kennedy School of Government and Harvard University Center for the Environment)

Postdoctoral Fellow, Harvard Kennedy School of Government Fellow, Harvard University Center for the Environment Jesse Jenkins Interviewer: David Spence, Interview date:  2/21/19 Keywords: Cost of Energy, Decarbonization, Resource Adequacy, Resource Planning Model...

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California’s Energy Transition: Decarbonization & Decentralization (Michael Wara, Woods Institute for the Environment and Stanford Law School)

Senior Research Scholar, Stanford Woods Institute for the Environment & Fellow, Stanford Law School Michael Wara Interviewer: David Spence, Interview date:  December 14, 2018   “There are issues with energy poverty in California, and they tend to be localized...

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“Naïve Energy Markets” and the Boundary Between Markets and Regulation (David Spence, University of Texas School of Law and McCombs School of Business)

Baker Botts Chair in law, university of texas school of law Professor of business, government & society, mccombs school of business David Spence Interviewers: Sharon Jacobs & Shelley Welton, Interview date:  11/7/18 Key Terms: Cost of Service Ratemaking,...

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Cost-Benefit Analysis, “Secret Science,” and OIRA Reviews of Rulemaking (Sheila Olmstead, University of Texas at Austin LBJ School of Public Affairs, President’s Council of Economic Advisors)

Professor of Public Affairs, LBJ School of Public Affairs, University of Texas at Austin President’s Council of Economic Advisors, 2016-17 Fellow, Property and Environment Research Center Sheila Olmstead Interviewer: David Spence, Interview date:  11/7/18 Key Terms:...

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Environmental Privileging (Sharon Jacobs, University of Colorado Law School and Getches-Wilkinson Center for Natural Resources)

Associate Professor of Law at the University of Colorado Law School Board of the Getches-Wilkinson Center for Natural Resources Sharon Jacobs Interviewer: David Spence, Interview date:  11/12/18 Key Terms: NEPA   “Privileging certain values and goals is not a...

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